Childhood memories are something that we all cherish.

But I would call my childhood memories as scary and attracting pithy , sympathy and attention.

Everyone around me hated me, except diseases.

I was the favourite person of all the diseases, One by one they all were hitting on me like a boy on a girl.

Dear Readers, Name one disease and I can proudly say that they have been my lovers during my life time.

And if I go into memories of past and tell you how it all started ?

It all started with some sort of weakness in the body until one day I fainted and didn’t get up the entire day.

I opened my eyes at night only to see my father in front of my eyes, smiling and grining at the same time with his fallen teeth.

The only best thing that happened to me that night , was my father gifting me 18 rings as token of getting from a long slumber. I felt like fainting everyday in order to receive such sweet gestures from his end.

And this was only until my reports came which clearly stated me carrying stomach infection or hindi to English translation, I had worms in my stomach.

I had more visits to doctor than to schools, and I used to eat more medicines than food.

The hospital scenes were scary and so were the doctors. At such a young age I should have imitated my mother and father but instead I did of doctors as I developed a habit of shaking my one leg all the time just because of the influence of the doctor who treated me had on me.

But slowly slowly the disease started submitting only to create space for a new lover in my life, jaundice.

Now this disease made me to visit not just the doctors but variety of people in my life, some of whom  are indian therapists without a professional degree who claim to treat diseases with their magical powers.

One day my father took me to one such a person on his generations old scooter, which was in such a pathetic condition that instead of the scooter riding and taking you to the person, you have to push it to reach to your destination.

And if I talk about the place where we had to commute to ?It was a far place in some sort of jungle. Somehow on that scooter We managed to reach to the so called theurapist or the magician . Upon our arrival he did some sort of rituals and I can claim that it showed improvement and after a month of treatment, jaundice decided to part ways ,

And fellow readers and friends this was only to create space for blisters in my head.

And this love and hate story of mine with the diseases continued till my 7th grade.

After which all my lovers took a back seat and I was growing up hail and hearty.

Due to all these events happening in my life, my schools days were not happening either. I used to find excuses to not to attend school and began to hide at places and this thing continued until one day my uncle caught me and I had to confront my mother.But things slowly changed  and I turned into a visionary. I used to envision a lot of things.

The one vision of mine was

That I wanted to be so rich that I wanted to have a room full of lays and limca cold drinks, and point to be noted is that room had nothing except these things.

Slowly time passed and that vision enlarged.

But If I talk about today, today everything is same, the only change is that today that vision has changed, that vision has changed into a vision to lead people through action, a vision to rise up the career ladder without compromising on core moral values, a vision to serve humanity, a vision to empower others.

And I am talking small steps each day to transform that vision into reality.


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