“We are just an advance breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star . But we can understand the Universe . That makes us something very special “  ~Stephen Hawkings
And we can for sure  understand the great powers of Pyramids .The Great power of pyramids is miraculous . 

                     BEHIND THE SCENE :
The idea that small models of pyramids can preserve food was developed in the 1930s . The great pyramid was buried in mysteries for centuries . Why was it made? Who made it? Why is it shaped as it is? Why is it aligned precisely to north? 
As the inner reaches of the Pyramid were explored, a strange phenomenon was discovered. Animals, that had wandered into the pyramid and died, had not decayed - they had mummified! This discovery led to the construction of miniature pyramids that were built to the exact proportions of the Great Pyramids in Egypt. 

                ORIGINAL MAN OF PYRAMIDS :

 Nick Edwards is the original man of pyramid .He says “I’ve been an artist all my life and I’ve always sought to design something that would create a new feeling in people, something that they haven’t experienced before. My biggest market is art galleries. They want to display these as art that actually radiates energy - where people can get into their metal sculpture, literally jump into it and feel a feeling of well-being and enjoyment.”
                       PYRAMID ENERGY 
Just as a lens collects and concentrates light, or a television antenna captures the T.V. program you wish to watch, the pyramid shape collects and focuses the gravitational and magnetic field that swirls over the entire Earth. We call this force Pyramid Energy. This energy has a beneficial effect on all living things and a preservative effect on non-living matter. Scale model replicas of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, when aligned to Magnetic North, trap, focus and resonate Pyramid Energy. This energy is collected by the pyramid shape and discharged from the top (apex) . 
For great energy rests it is adviced  sleep under a pyramid . It promotes Energised sleep and Meditation . Mother Ship Sleep System is one of the finest pyramid energy product of Nick Edward . This simple geometic shape has been known to induce relaxation and restorative sleep.  

The remarkable sacred geometry of this shape has Rejuvenation Effects to living cells and increases Psychic Powers and Altered States of Meditation. . The users claim highs in dreams , psychic powers and well being . According to Edwards. after about six months to a year of sleeping under a pyramid grid, the human body will actually start benefiting from rejuvenation effects. “We die because our body falls apart, and there’s really no reason for that. We should be able to live a lot longer. I intend to live at least 200 years”, he said quite seriously. 
•Start with drawing out the measurements as shown in step 1 ,
then cut out the pieces with a very sharp knife , use a steel lineal .
The Pyramid material is made of thick cardboard.
 The home made pyramid can be made in thick cardboard or wood .
The pyramid is made of 4 sides put together . 
The Pyramids are taking form.
Glue the sides together with thick tapeas shown in step 2 .
You can make it with or without the bottom.It´s easier to use the Pyramid if you make it without the bottom plate .
. Paint and decorate the Pyramid as shown in step 3 .

                  WHY ONLY PYRAMIDS :
The power of pyramids is incredible . Their discovery beyond doubt will revolutionise the future as 
other outstanding discoveries like atomic energy and electricity . 

1. Researches prove that people who are under pyramid power change their mental and physical and emotional state who are exposed to its vibrations . Its four slope sides emit the positive energy by neutrelising the negative energy , its shape directs the electromagnetic energy surrounding earth and other forms like star and planets .
2. If a battery is placed under a pyramid it can be recharged and reused after 24 hours .
3. The beauty of an individual is enhanced if face is washed daily by using the water placed under a pyramid .
4 . Wearing a cap made of pyramid shape can help heal headache . greying hair , depression migraine and help in retaining memory .
5 . If a cup of coffee or tea is prepared and covered  and is placed under a pyramid for 24 hours it can be recharged and reused .
6. If pyramids are placed around the four corners of a room then the energy flow of the room is revitalised and the aura of an individual is improved ..

The benefits of pyramids are endless and flabbergasting . To experience its benefits an individual should use them with complete faith .



  1. very well written..a different concept being used to create awareness...nice :)


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