Explore the World of Stephen Hawkings (@@@)
"Be not afraid of greatness . Some people are born great , some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them " ~ William Shakespeare
When everything seems to be stagnant outside , look for the realm of beauty inside !!!! Stephen Hawkings an epitome of greatness is one of the most recognized scientists of this era . Born on 8 January 1942 , 300 years after galilio's death has revolutionized the field of science . His achievements incredible , his so called IQ unbeatable about which he conveys "I Donot know what my IQ is . People who gloat about their IQ's are losers ". Author of 7 bestselling books . 14 awards of recognition in hands , probably the most recognised in the list of The Smartest People in the World . Suffering from the inevitable effects of ALS , who himself uses the computer bound system for communication helped the people all through the way to understand the universe better , far better and farther .
Come Explore with me the own built real world of Hawkings !!!!
His Computer : His Computer based communication system is sponcered by Intel Corporation since 1997.
He is smart . Smart enough than you can ever think!! . He has worked with an intel application engineer to develop a computer for him . He uses a X220 tablet , custom built with an intel Core i7 processor and not forgetting his webcam . Surrounded by the lasted technology , there is also an IR sensor hanging around his glasses that reads the light coming off his cheeks and translates its into speech , which comes out of an amplifier underneath his wheelchair . Through a software program called EZ keys he can also control the mouse in windows . His latest computer also contains the well known application called Skype with which he can hang around with his friends . The smart Hawkings says in this regard "I can also give lectures. I write the lecture beforehand and save it on disk. I can then send it to the speech synthesiser a sentence at a time using the Equalizer software written by Words Plus. It works quite well and I can try out the lecture and polish it before I give it. " This doesnot ends up here , he has his future plans also about which he says "I keep looking into new assistive technologies, and recently Intel® have sponsored a team of its engineers to design a new facial recognition system aimed at improving my communication speed. They also have some new ideas regarding my software interface and it will be interesting to see the results of this. It looks quite promising. I have also experimented with Brain Controlled Interfaces to communicate with my computer however as yet these don't work as consistently as my cheek operated switch. "
A Brief History Of time :
: Curious to know about the existence of Universe ? Where did the universe come from ? and not forgetting when will it come to an end ? Then come join Stephen's in his journey through the time which will take you to the space and to many other places . This book contains answer to every question that one intends to know .
The Grand Design :
Going deep within the mysteries of the universe , the Grand Design covers
each and everthing about the existence of the universe revealing the nature's reality and the force which sets all things in motion ,and their are n number of books written by him which set to baffle everyone .
Lectures : He doesnot ends up here . He delivers lectures also . One of his renowed lectures includes the following topics :
Into a Black Hole 2008 :
Wanna escape from the world ? I wish i could . Then Black hole is the right place for you . "In this lecture I talk about some of the things I've found out about black holes" ~Stephen Hawkings
The Beginning of time 1996 : "In this lecture, I would like to discuss whether time itself has a beginning, and whether it will have an end. All the evidence seems to indicate, that the universe has not existed forever, but that it had a beginning, about 15 billion years ago. This is probably the most remarkable discovery of modern cosmology. Yet it is now taken for granted. We are not yet certain whether the universe will have an end" .
Life In The Universe 1996 : In this talk, I would like to speculate a little, on the development of life in the universe, and in particular, the development of intelligent life. I shall take this to include the human race, even though much of its behaviour through out history, has been pretty stupid, and not calculated to aid the survival of the species.
Stephen Hawking and The Simpons :
The simpsons freak would be amused to know that stephen appeared as a guest star in the famous television show "The Simpsons" . He says
"I think ["The Simpsons"] is one of the cleverest shows on television, and it always has a moral."
He is a television freak too and as better says that life would be tragic if it werenot funny .
Stephen Hawkings in Paraolympics :
He opened the 2012 paraolympic games . "I am honored to open the 2012 Paralympic Games and welcome athletes from the whole world to London. However difficult life may seem there is always something you can do and succeed at. The Games provide an opportunity for athletes to excel, to stretch themselves and become outstanding in their field. So let us together celebrate excellence, friendship and respect.
And as he perfectly depicts "There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers ; that
is a fairy story for people afraid of dark " . So bring upon the lamps of lights in your life and not to forget welcome to the fan club of Stephen Hawkings !!!
nice:-)..keep going!!